Fiji Fruit Magic Mushroom
Buy the best Fiji Fruit magic mushrooms in Australia
Buy Fiji Fruit Magic Mushroom
Fiji Fruit Magic Mushroom, magnificent specimen of the cubensis species, one can find. It is characterized by the sturdy white stems and the lovely brown button heads it bears. It is a substrain of the Amazonian strain and carries a similar psychedelic profile.
It is widely renowned for the amazing visual effects it can produce. People who take a dose that is anywhere from moderate to heroic in size will often report feeling an intense level of pleasure due to doing so. austeroids
Short-term effects of Fiji Fruit Magic Mushroom
Using magic mushrooms can lead to short-term mental and physical effects.
Mental effects
Magic mushrooms may cause heightened emotions and senses and people may feel happy and creative. They may laugh or giggle a lot and experience a sense of mental and emotional clarity.
Magic mushrooms can also cause hallucinations and affect people by:
- distorting their sense of reality (they see and hear things that are not there)
- mixing up their senses (they believe they can see music or hear colours)
- altering their sense of time
Some of the negative mental effects of taking magic mushrooms include:
- changes in mood
- light-headedness
- anxiety and panic attacks
- confusion and disorientation
- fear or paranoia
Physical effects
Taking magic mushrooms can produce:
- numbness, particularly in the face
- increased heart rate and blood pressure
- dry mouth, sometimes leading to nausea and vomiting
- muscle weakness and twitching, or convulsions
- exaggerated reflexes
- sweating and high body temperature, often followed by chills and shivering
- loss of urinary control
Magic mushrooms sold illegally may be in the form of dried whole mushrooms or a powder. People may choose to take the mushrooms in many ways, including:
- eaten raw or cooked;
- ground up and used to make tea or mixed in a beverage;
- swallowed as capsules;
- sniffed up the nose (snorted), when in a powder. 5f-adb
by Tune bons
Good quality 🍄